
认识一下Jan Walstrom

Jan Walstrom

对生物学和科学研究充满热情, 简·瓦尔斯特伦找到了自己, 25岁的时候, pursuing a very different career trajectory than expected when she was appointed the State’s project manager for the design and construction of surface water and groundwater remedial actions implemented at Tar Creek Superfund site in northeastern Oklahoma.

该地点包括美国大部分的铅锌矿区.S. 在两次世界大战期间,开采出来的矿石被加工成子弹, 留下了三千万吨的采矿废料, 当地称为" chat ".

“当时, 我不知道如何阅读一套计划或规格, 但我每天都在管理建筑承包商,并从中学习,简回忆道。. 她的导师, 工程公司的项目经理和施工经理, 耐心地与这个年轻人分享他们的知识, 一个非常好奇的人,每天都会问很多以前没有人问过他们的问题. They quickly realized nobody had ever dug into their documents with such intensity to figure out how everyone needed to come together to perform the work.

These early leadership traits and her commitment to environmental stewardship is what’s made Jan stand out in a career that has included some of 亚洲体育博彩平台’ marquee projects and programs.

现在是全球气候应对办公室的高级副总裁 & 环境、社会和治理, Jan is responsible for leading a corporate function that acts as the connecting point for 亚洲体育博彩平台’ end market and enabling market solutions, 公司计划的每个项目都在哪里, designs and delivers now becomes a climate response opportunity for our clients within the framework of energy transition, 脱碳, 适应和缓解, 以及自然资源管理.

另外, 该办公室正在将气候应对与环境结合起来, 社会与治理(环境、社会和治理)的重要性日益凸显, both within 亚洲体育博彩平台 and 外部ly as companies around the globe rise to the climate challenge and address urgent social issues.  

“我们的未来岌岌可危, 现在是时候让我们最优秀、最聪明的人——跨部门、跨学科——参与进来了. 回顾过去, 我们需要继续修复对我们称之为家园的星球的环境破坏. 展望未来几十年, 规划, commitments and response steps we take today are critical to leading the world to a more climate-resilient existence for all generations to come.”

Jan Walstrom

Jan Walstrom

全球气候应对办公室高级副总裁 & 环境、社会和治理,雅各布斯

Jan还曾担任亚洲体育博彩平台的全球环境市场总监, 带领6人以上的团队,500名与联邦政府合作的从业人员, state/municipal and private sector to drive sustainability and climate action throughout their operations; achieve environmental health and safety compliance; deliver environmental planning and permitting for critical infrastructure projects; and remediate and regenerate land and ground water contaminated by the full spectrum of contaminants of concern, 包括全氟烷基和多氟烷基物质.

She gained significant industry experience serving as Deputy Program Manager for the environmental remediation of the Rocky Flats Closure Project in Colorado – a manufacturing complex that produced the triggers for nuclear weapons. 10月13日, 2005, 项目实物完工时宣布投入70亿美元, 十年的努力, 使其成为美国有史以来最大的超级基金清理项目.S. 这是历史上第一个成功的大型核退役项目. Jan在接下来的一年里继续领导监管支持项目团队, which ultimately enabled the Department of Energy to transition a major portion of the site to the Department of Interior, 建立了Rocky Flats国家野生动物保护区.

在国际上,她担任1美元的项目经理.2012年伦敦奥运会项目管理合同的关键路径启用工程项目. 该项目是欧洲有史以来规模最大的环境清理项目之一, 改造了600多英亩的棕地,为奥林匹克公园的建设铺平了道路. 在项目开始时,Jan还担任可持续发展和环境主管, 与奥林匹克交付管理局合作建立这些系统, processes and targets adhered to by the entire supply chain to achieve the world’s most sustainable Olympic Games.

作为企业改进计划的关键人物, Jan的丰富经验包括领导公司卓越项目管理中心的成立, transforming the learning and development function while serving for three years as the company’s Chief Learning Officer, and supporting the CEO and executive leadership team’s efforts to transform the strategy and operations of the company as Director of Operational Excellence.

“踏上这段旅程, 我从来没有想到会有这么多礼物, 无论是个人还是职业, 这个行业给我带来了,她想道。. “当我回想起我的导师, 我在世界各地合作过的许多人,以及我能够做出贡献的项目, 这让我非常满意."

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播客:2012年伦敦奥运会的领导力课程 & 残奥会

Jan joins BusinessLDN's"What Next for London" podcast to discuss the legacy of the Games and what it meant for major projects of the future.

十年过去了 2012年伦敦奥运会 & 残奥会. 雅各布斯,全球气候应对办公室高级副总裁 & 环境、社会和治理 Jan Walstrom参与了奥林匹克公园的规划、设计和交付 & 作为CLM交付合作伙伴团队的一部分,关联游戏首页.

On the 10-Year anniversary Jan joins BusinessLDN’s "What Next for London" podcast to discuss what working on the 2012 Olympic & 残奥会意味着未来的重大项目, 环境、社会和治理指标的发展和她的职业生涯. 简分享了对当地东伦敦社区和更广泛的美国重要的奥运会遗产的见解.K.

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